03 July 2019

It's Been a L-O-N-G Time!

I cannot believe it has been so long since I made an entry in my blog. Facebook has been getting my writing energy, I guess. Gotta change that.

I do not sleep well. I read. I toss. I turn. I read. I fall asleep in places I should not. And I read some more!

A couple of nights ago, I had nothing in particular on my mind. Feeling good about a couple of things. Wondering if I can give up bacon in order to adopt a plant-based diet. Really looking at moiself in the mirror, and realizing that I am cute. If I lost weight,  it would be more obvious. Can I give up bacon? I welcome the opportunity to bake. Can I give that up? Ponder. Ponder. Toss and turn.

Then, I had an epiphany: I have realized just about every fear I ever had. Not going to spell them out, but I own them: my actions, inactions, and reactions to life, and the situations tossed my way, have all been out of fear!

What if I changed that paradigm, and act, "inact" and react to life, and the situations tossed my way in love? Sounds hippie-ish and New Agey, and something Marianne Williamson would suggest. I am not a fan of hers. I must find a happy medium. I do need to acknowledge that I am a good person. I am a nice person. I am not evil, and I work hard to keep away from mean. I am naturally a loving person, so I need to just put my energy in that, right?

Ponder. Ponder. Toss. Turn. Sleep fitfully. Live in love.

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