05 August 2008

Wants and Needs

At this very moment there are three things I desperately want:
  1. To be chosen to go to Denver, Colorado to witness Barack Obama give his acceptance speech. I believe that this man has so much to offer - the table is set, and I want to be there for the first course. I have made a couple of donations and I have shared my "story" so I hope I get chosen to meet him backstage and sit in the front row. I really do. This is what I have done to get to Denver for this occasion: I ran for office, and lost. I have done a little bit of volunteer work. Could I have done more? Of course! Will I do more? Yup! I made a couple of donations - nothing substantial, but a lot for the likes of me - and hope to be chosen to go to Denver, CO for the event. I also pray. I can only imagine that God has bigger things on God's mind than my sojourn to Denver, CO. I can only imagine that God might take breaks from working on the bigger things and might take a look at the "smaller" things, such as requests from Erlinda to go to Denver. I have a vivid imagination, God has power, and I make Gratitude Lists. Anything can happen. I am open to the grace. I know I belong there because Barack, while visiting Europe, said, "I am a world citizen!" That's exactly what I have on this blog. I put it there long before he said it. It's a sign - and I know it!!! This is something I want so badly and that I need to do.
  2. A Nintendo DS Lite. Cobalt Blue. I don't know why I want one so badly, but I do. Maybe I'll use it to learn another language. Maybe it will be just another distraction. I keep saying to myself, "Complete one task, and you will have earned your DS Lite." I complete the task (or not) and continue to resist the purchase. Nothing philosophical about this. Just know that when I finally do break down and buy one, I will have resisted the purchase for over seven months! This I want. Do I need it? Probably not. It would be nice to have.
  3. To rewrite a story that I wrote about my father and me. I submitted it to the "Lives" pages of the New York Times Magazine, and they didn't respond. I think that I should tweak it a bit, expand some parts, make others less sentimental, and submit it to the "Modern Love" section in the Arts & Leisure section. The by-line would read "Erlinda Brent" and the footer would read, "Erlinda Brent likes to write." or "Erlinda Brent has written two books, I Dreamt I was a Mermaid and I Dreamt I was a Comet - after all, I have written them. Even if they haven't been published, they are books. It wouldn't be a lie. This I want. Do I need it? Well, my Spirit does.
I don't want much - but I do want big.

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